Meet the Lake View Staff!


Diana Brummel

Executive Director

What is your role at Lake View? I strive to make everything and everyone work together for the good of God’s Kingdom. I work to carry out Lake View’s mission to provide a broken world with an environment where lives encounter God’s love and are being transformed by the hope that Christ gives; as well as, the vision to provide a Christian ministry where all people are welcomed + loved, + thus feel the presence of God.

What is your go-to Dutch pastry? That’s a tough one. I’m going to have to say Lake View’s Double Dutch Delight. This can only be found at Lake View’s Tulip Time Stand :)

What is your favorite Bible verse? “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” John 3:16-17

What makes you laugh the most? My grandkids, or any children for that matter.


Joe Brummel

Program Director

What is your role at Lake View? Creating a large group worship experience. Walking campers through the daily camp schedule and activities so they know what, when, where, and how. Cultivating a great physical, spiritual, and emotional experience.

What is your favorite season? Summer. I like the hot temperatures and the fact that it’s CAMP SEASON!

What is your favorite Bible verse? “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” John 8:11. This verse shows a true reflection of the heart of Jesus.

If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go? Hawaii. That’s been the coolest place Diana and I have vacationed.


Gwyn Ferguson

Administrative Assistant

What is your role at Lake View? Anything to do with finances and record-keeping.

What is your go-to Dutch pastry? Dutch Letters!

What is your favorite Bible verse? “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

What makes you laugh the most? The silly things my kids say and do.


Caleb Kuiper

Facilities and Grounds Coordinator

Caleb grew up attending Lake View as a camper and then spent one of his summers in college as a Camp Counselor. Upon graduating from Central College in December 2022, he joined Lake View Staff full-time at the beginning of 2023! He is also married to his wonderful wife (and nature-lover), Elise.

Caleb works diligently to keep our buildings running effectively, restore natural beauty and wildlife to the property God has blessed us with, and even does a little bit of programming throughout the year. He knows God has called him to this position, and is excited to see what He has to teach him at Lake View! Caleb is grateful God has given him the opportunity to combine work and fun into this awesome role!


Elise Kuiper

Outreach Coordinator

Elise started working at Lake View the summer of 2020 and she never looked back. After being a camp counselor for several summers, she joined the full-time staff as soon as she graduated from Central College—Caleb beat her by one semester! 

Elise helps with planning retreats, programming for summer camps, preparing for rental groups at the camp, and so many other tasks. She loves watching campers grow with Christ each year they come back to camp, and seeing counselors and campers challenged to live for Christ every day. She also appreciates that part of her full-time job includes braiding hair, taking hikes, and canoeing with campers—which is way more fun than any other boring adult job, in her opinion. Her favorite Bible passage is Isaiah 55, which reminds her that God does all the work in drawing people to Himself and changing their hearts. She’s grateful to serve in His kingdom! 


Sarah Smith

Counselor Care Coordinator

Sarah started working at Lake View the summer of 2022. After being a camp counselor for several summers, she joined the full-time staff after graduating from Central College. 

Sarah works with the counselors throughout the year, whether that’s recruiting for summer or overseeing each week of camp.


Steve & Cathy Poole

Assistant Camp Programmers

What are your roles at Lake View? We plan and facilitate games, small group Bible Studies, and worship. We program a variety of camps during the summer including work trips, day camps, Angel Tree Camps, and outback camp. We help create an environment where kids meet Jesus.

What is your favorite season? SUMMER!

What is your go-to Dutch pastry? (Steve) Jaarsma’s creamed-filled Bismark. (Cathy) Vander Ploeg’s chocolate cookie.

What is your favorite Bible passage? (Steve) The Parable of the Hidden Treasure in Matthew 13:44. This story illustrates the fact that God treasured me enough to give everything, like Christ dying on the cross for my sins. (Cathy) My Refuge and My Fortress in Psalm 91. This passage reminds me that God will keep me safe and send His angels to guard my ways!